Sunday, August 1, 2021

Step-Pose-Ium 2021


Labour Weekend 2021 brings Step-Pose-Ium, NZ's burlesque symposium.

This is its unlikely online home (free!) 

For more information, click here

For a list of the workshops on offer, click here

To register, click here

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Leo, Clever and Constance (that's ME) in The Menagerie

 Alright, stop me if you've heard this one: What's huge, terrifying, and hangs out in an alley?

Us!!! Photo of Clever Hansel pointing to a poster of us on the day of The Menagerie. I thought I had posted about it already, but as I didn't here we go!


The original photo by Aden Meser Photography. Colourful!!! Somehow in every photo from this photoshoot, my legs were hidden and it became quite a running joke. 

 And here's proof it actually happened!!!!! The stage is huge -the venue has 1500 seats and 1100 of them had bums on.