Sunday, May 29, 2022

Rhinestoning is my life now!

So, my life is no longer my own. I am merely a facilitator for bits of cut glass. I covet them, must have them, must stick them onto costumes, must contain them in gorgeous containers.

The Vista containers are a two-day-ago innovation, the perfect size for the 1440 count of most rhinestone orders. SO many colours, SO SPARKLY!!! Also, I might add, SO much less likely to bust open than bags...

Rhinestones give me wings!!!! These grey wings needed gold input big time. The reason is further on. So, four of them are now covered in gold and Light of Heaven rhinestones. LoH btw is a gold coloured stone with a flash of mauve in it. SO GORGEOUS. It is currently my favourite and will be stuck onto everything.


Look, this is a sunshine shot and it looks metallic but it isn't. But OMG!!!! The bolero this is going on is going with a dress in the same sequin fabric. No spoilers but it is NEXT LEVEL gorgeous.

It's really exciting to be making a whole new costume -not pimping a RTW garment. I have a photoshoot for a new product that is being named after me, WAAAH!!! It was my idea but the genius that made it happen from my shitty sketches is going to launch it and I am SO EXCITED.

So, new costume for product photoshoot!